I have not read Three Cups of Tea and have not been closely following the hullabaloo over revelations about the accuracy of Greg Mortenson's memoir or the integrity of his charity.
So this Brookings blog post on the scandal by international education expert Rebecca Winthrop provided some welcome perspective.
Winthrop writes:
So this Brookings blog post on the scandal by international education expert Rebecca Winthrop provided some welcome perspective.
Winthrop writes:
"The underlying message of Mortenson’s book and his related advocacy – that investment in education is greatly needed in Pakistan and it is an important part in promoting peace – still holds true, despite whatever factual inaccuracies in his book."That was my initial reaction to the news, as well. But she also provides some important context about Mortenson's work in Pakistan.
"Despite the importance of Mortenson’s message on the education crisis in Pakistan, the effectiveness of his Central Asia Institute remains questionable. Good intentions do not necessarily translate into effective international development practices and NGO management."That may be the understatement of the year!